Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Strawberry Shortcake Wouldn't You Know?!

Scott and I made a Strawberry Shortcake on Sunday for his Mom's Birthday!

We don't have an oven so we went over to my parents house to use theirs.

Stacey took some pictures of the process with her new iPhone.

It was delicious!

And I LOVE my Apron!

Thanks Stace!


  1. Love the apron, love the hat, love Stacey's new I-phone (cause I get to see more photos from home)! Hope Lynda had a great b-day . . .

  2. How can you make any foods without an oven? That seems difficult. But that strawberry shortcake looks delicious!

  3. Oooh! I didn't see the finished product, and it looks de-licious :)


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