Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Strawberry Shortcake Wouldn't You Know?!

Scott and I made a Strawberry Shortcake on Sunday for his Mom's Birthday!

We don't have an oven so we went over to my parents house to use theirs.

Stacey took some pictures of the process with her new iPhone.

It was delicious!

And I LOVE my Apron!

Thanks Stace!

Friday, March 25, 2011

The Moonwalk

On this date in 1983, Michael Jackson debuted the Moonwalk.
28 years later this performance is still amazing!
[I'm pretty sure when I watched this in heaven in 1983,
that's what sparked my interest to come down to planet Earth the following year.
Yeah, that sounds about right, I think.]

-- Scott

P.S. Never underestimate Michael's brilliant moves --
like at the beginning of this video when he pretends
to comb his hair and follows it up by putting the
invisible comb into his pocket.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cristy is funny and she is my wife

Cristy got together with her friends for Melissa's baby shower, and she was really happy when she got home. I was testing out a new camera on her right then [unbeknownst to her] , and I happened to capture the first thing she told me about the baby shower
right when she got home:

Cristy never ceases to make me laugh.

-- Scott

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

La Cucaracha

I woke up 2 hours before my alarm this morning with "La Cucaracha" playing in my head.

On another note, here's some German sheet music for you to enjoy!

-- Scott

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Not. Enough. Sleep.

Scott and I have a real problem,
we cannot go to sleep before one a.m.

It usually starts when we decide to watch
another episode of Arrested Development
and then another episode, and another.

Then we stay up even later just talking.
we love to talk.

I never knew being married could be so fun
and so wonderful.
It's the best thing ever

Flowers. Painted ones.

Let's rewind in time a bit here before a wedding post shows up.
Here are a few pictures of when Crispy and Me painted lots of the
balsa wood flowers for our wedding [we did the painting in front of my
brother Aaron's house on the driveway]. My mom and Crispy [who rock,
by the way] put TONS of work into creating ALL the flower things for the wedding..!

Ok bye. --Scott

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Prehistoric thoughts

I need to add dinosaurs to the background of this blog.

- Scott

Friday, March 4, 2011


I've always really enjoyed cooking and I've always been pretty good at it.
Last night, that was not the case.

I got off at work at 9:15 and had been craving breakfast food all day,
so I told Scott we would be having breakfast for dinner!

We were both excited
okay, I was probably more excited than him.

When we started getting ready to make everything we realized
we only had 2 skillets.

That doesn't work very well when you want
scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, pancakes and ham.

So I comprimised and didn't make the pancakes.

We recently purchased a cooktop off of KSL
and we don't have a lot of experience cooking on it.

Well, the hasbrowns burned to the bottom of one of the pans
and the Eggs just really didn't work out either.

How do you mess up breakfast food you may ask?
I have no idea.

Scott took a bite and threw his food away.
He said "McDonald's eggs taste better than those."

I agree.
They were very bad.

Lots of timese when I cook things and they
dont' work out perfectly, I call them "failures."

But this was my first complete failure.

And now you know.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Engagement Story!

November 5, 2010 is a day Scott and I will never forget,
neither will a couple hundred other people, (including this guy).
{Or maybe they will, who knows.}

I had been house sitting and got a text from my sister saying I had a surprise.
I was so curious and I knew I wouldn't be home for a couple hours.
Finally I was able to talk her into sending me a picture of it.

-Flowers from Scott Smith!-

Scott came up the the house a little later and  I painted my nails with "Chapel of Love." 
Which turned out to be very fitting.

We headed over to my aunts to babysit my nieces and my cousin Blythe.
I kept getting what I thought were "Signs"  that I knew tonight was the night.

It really doesn't make sense why I picked up on it.  But I was pretty certain.

After babysitting we went to The Rocket Summer concert.
I thought it was going to happen after the concert.

Here are a few pictures before the concert! 
 A little over half way through the concert Bryce Avary started taking requests.
He said "Is there a Scott Smith out there, I heard he has a request."

I was so confused.

Scott started walking towards the stage, taking me with him.
It was really crowded and it was hard getting up there.
Bryce started playing a song because it was taking so long.

Finally we got up there and told a guy who we were.
After he finished playing that song we went onstage. 
I kept thinking for some reason Scott was going to play a song or something.

I knew Scott was going to propose but I did not know it was going to be right then.

Bryce Avary, who is The Rocket Summer, had him use the microphone to make his "request."
He said I was his girlfriend and that he loved me.
The crowd starting cheering, people were chanting "do it, do it!" and other people were pulling out their cameras.

Scott turned me around so I couldn't see him pull the ring out from the little pocket he had made out of felt.  (It was taped to his leg which was then covered by his sock and pants for safe keeping.)

He got down on one knee.
The crowd was so loud, I honestly don't know exactly what he said, but I'm sure it was perfect.

I gave a couple very enthusiastic nods and that was it:
We were engaged!!

Bryce Avary said, "Give it up for the future Mr. And Mrs. Scott Smith!"
Everyone was cheering and it was such a rush!

If you want to see it for yourself, you can watch it here.
My sister made a video and I think it's absolutely perfect!

After we got off the stage I asked Scott if my parents knew,
after the concert was over he told me how he flew to Long Beach and back in a day
so he could talk to my dad. 

I had no idea.

Seriously none.

The little sneak, told me he would be working all day and wouldn't be able to text or talk much.

Scott was able to spend pretty much the whole day with my parents.
Which means more to me than I could ever say.

Here are a couple photos after the concert.  
The first one is of Bryce Avary and us!

Sterilite ®

I needed a desk chair to sit on and study.

So I sat on a Sterilite storage container.

It broke.
The End.
